Applications Open now for September 2024 Batch | Applications Close: Sep 15, 2024 | Exam: Oct 27, 2024

Applications Open now for September 2024 Batch | Applications Close: Sep 15, 2024 | Exam: Oct 27, 2024

Degree Level Course

Programming in C

This course is intended as a practical introduction to C programming. The focus is on gaining experience with writing and debugging programs. At the end of this course, a student should be able to: -write, compile, and run programs in C -use debugging tools to find and correct errors in programs -use various constructs in C and the standard library of C to implement basic data structures and algorithms -understand the need for an OS and how programs interact with the system

by Nitin Chandrachoodan

Course ID: BSCS3005

Course Credits: 4

Course Type: Elective

Pre-requisites: None

Course structure & Assessments

8 weeks of coursework, weekly online assignments, 2 in-person invigilated quizzes, 1 in-person invigilated end term exam. For details of standard course structure and assessments, visit Academics page.

WEEK 1 Write, compile, and run programs in C in a Linux environment; debugging tools
WEEK 2 Variables, built-in datatypes, operators; Control flow - conditionals, loops
WEEK 3 Modularity and functions; variable scope
WEEK 4 Input/Output; Files
WEEK 5 Pointers, memory, arrays, strings
WEEK 6 Multi-dimensional arrays, dynamic memory allocation; issues - memory leaks, management
WEEK 7 Standard library and common extensions (math, time, etc.)
WEEK 8 Implementation concepts: compilation and execution process; heap/stack; runtime and OS interface
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Prescribed Books

The following are the suggested books for the course:

“The C programming language,” Kernighan and Ritchie

Practical C Programming, S. Oualline, O’Reilly Publications

Online sources and language reference

About the Instructors

Nitin Chandrachoodan
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras

Nitin Chandrachoodan received his BTech (electronics and communication engineering) from IIT Madras in 1996, and PhD from the University of Maryland at College Park in 2002, in the area of high-level synthesis techniques for mapping DSP algorithms to architectures. He has been with the department of electrical engineering at IIT Madras since 2004, where he is currently an professor.

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His research interests include digital systems design and design automation tools and techniques, as well as design of embedded systems with a special focus on assistive technologies. He has taught graduate courses on digital integrated circuit design and on mapping algorithms to architectures, and a UG course on data structures and algorithms, as well as a laboratory course on digital design using FPGAs. He is an associate editor of the Springer Journal of Signal Processing Systems.


Other courses by the same instructor: BSCS2003 - Modern Application Development I and BSCS2006 - Modern Application Development II